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Permanent Residence

Permanent Residence

Skilled Workers Class: Do you have at least one year’s work experience in an area of work needed by Canada’s employers? Can you speak some English? Are you educated? You may qualify to immigrate to Canada under the Skilled Worker Category, although there are a number of other factors that are to be considered such as your age, or whether you have a job already waiting for you. Contact us to see if you may qualify.

Family Class: Do you have a spouse, same sex or otherwise, a child, or a parent that wish to immigrate to Canada? As a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident, you may be able to sponsor your family member to Canada as part of the Family Class. Contact us to see if you are eligible to sponsor a family member and whether your family member is qualified to immigrate to Canada.


Entrepreneurs and self-employed Class: Do you have relevant business experience and the ready capital to start a business in Canada that will create jobs for at least one other Canadian worker? Contact us to see whether this business experience and capital can qualify you to immigrate to Canada under this class.

Investors: Do you have a net worth of at least C$800,000, and have successfully controlled and ran a business for at least two years within the past five years, and could readily invest $400,000 CAD of your own monies in a government fund in Canada? If so, you may qualify under this class. Please contact us to see if this method of immigration is right for you and whether you can qualify under this Class.

Persons in Need of Protection: Are you facing the risk or threat of torture or harm in your home country where the government, including he police, are either the perpetrators or whom is unable to or unwilling to protect you? Claiming Persons in Need of Protection status in Canada maybe your only option. Contact us to see if your circumstances can meet the conditions for making such an application.

Humanitarian and Compassionate Class: Do you have a significant degree of establishment here in Canada? Would your return to your country of origin cause you immense hardship and harm? Even though you may be in Canada without legal status as an refused refugee claimant, or with an expired work or visitor visa, you may still qualify for permanent residence in Canada. Please contact us to see if your circumstances can qualify you under this category.

Immigrating to Canada

Contemplating immigrating to Canada, or sponsoring a loved one such as a spouse, a same-sex partner, or parents?

Permanent Residence
Permanent Residence

Temporary Residence

Hoping to come to Canada for work or school?